1992 Acura Legend Car Insurance Quotes – 8 Discounts for Cheapest Rates

I really doubt anyone gets a kick out of paying for car insurance, particularly when their premiums are too high. Numerous insurers battle for your insurance dollar, and because of this it can be hard to compare auto insurance companies and uncover the absolute cheapest price

You should make it a habit to check car insurance prices occasionally due to the fact that insurance prices are variable and change quite frequently. Just because you had the best deal for Legend coverage on your last policy there is a good chance you can find better rates now. You can find a lot of misleading information regarding car insurance online but in just a couple of minutes you can learn some guaranteed methods to put money back in your pocket.

If you have a current insurance policy or need new coverage, you can use these techniques to get lower rates while maximizing coverage. Finding the best rates is quite easy. Drivers only need to know the tricks to compare price quotes online.

Buy auto insurance online

Cutting your auto insurance rates is surprisingly easy. All you need to do is take a few minutes comparing price quotes to see which company has low cost insurance coverage quotes. It is quite easy and can be accomplished in just a few minutes using one of these methods.

  1. If you’re in a hurry, the quickest way to find the lowest comparison rates is to use a rate comparison form like this one (opens in new window). This type of form saves time by eliminating a different quote for every company. One simple form gets you coverage quotes instantly.
  2. Another way to find lower rates requires visiting each individual company website and go through the quote process again. For example, let’s say you want to get rates from State Farm, Esurance and Travelers. To do that, you would have to go to each individual site and enter your information, which is not fast way to get rate quotes. For a list of links to companies insuring cars in your area, click here.

It’s your choice how you get your quotes, but make absolute certain that you use the same deductibles and coverage limits with each company. If your comparisons have unequal deductibles or liability limits then you won’t be able to determine the lowest rate for your Acura Legend.

Insurance coverage ads are enticing

Consumers can’t get away from all the ads that promise big savings from companies such as State Farm, Allstate and Geico. They all advertise claims of big savings if you switch to them.

How does each company give you a lower rate? This is how they do it.

Most companies are able to cherry pick for the type of customer that is profitable for them. For instance, a profitable insured should be between the ages of 30 and 50, carries full coverage, and has great credit. Anyone that hits that “sweet spot” will get very good prices and will cut their rates if they switch.

Potential insureds who do not meet the ideal profile will be quoted more expensive rates and the customer not buying. The ad wording is “people that switch” not “all people who quote” save that much. That’s why companies can make the claims of big savings.

This illustrates why you absolutely need to compare as many free insurance coverage quotes as you can. Because you cannot predict which insurance coverage company will give you the biggest savings.

More discounts mean lower-cost premiums

Auto insurance is easily one of your largest bills, but companies offer discounts that many consumers don’t even know exist. Some discounts apply automatically at the time of quoting, but some may not be applied and must be asked about before you will receive the discount.

  • Mature Driver Discount – Drivers that qualify as senior citizens may qualify for reduced rates for Legend coverage.
  • Multi-car Discount – Buying a policy with primary and secondary vehicles on a single policy may reduce the rate for each vehicle.
  • Anti-lock Brake Discount – Vehicles with ABS and/or traction control can stop better under adverse conditions and the ABS can save up to 10%.
  • Theft Prevention Discount – Cars and trucks that have factory anti-theft systems can help prevent theft and earn discounts up to 10% off your insurance coverage quote.
  • Waiver for an Accident – but some insurance companies allow you one accident before raising your premiums if you have no claims for a certain period of time.
  • Distant Student – Any of your kids who live away from home to go to college without a vehicle on campus can receive lower rates.
  • Claim Free – Drivers who don’t have accidents pay much less when compared with insureds who have frequent claims or accidents.
  • Organization Discounts – Having an affiliation with a qualifying organization could earn you a nice discount on your policy.

It’s important to note that most discounts do not apply to all coverage premiums. Some only reduce the price of certain insurance coverages like liability, collision or medical payments. So when it seems like you would end up receiving a 100% discount, it just doesn’t work that way.

A few of the larger companies and some of the premium reductions they offer are:

  • Geico policyholders can earn discounts including defensive driver, multi-policy, federal employee, emergency military deployment, and good student.
  • Mercury Insurance may include discounts for multi-policy, ease of repair, location of vehicle, accident-free, anti-theft, and good driver.
  • Farmers Insurance has discounts for alternative fuel, multi-car, business and professional, teen driver, and mature driver.
  • Auto-Owners Insurance includes discounts for paid in full, mature driver, paperless, anti-lock brakes, and student away at school.
  • Liberty Mutual offers discounts including new vehicle discount, preferred payment discount, good student, teen driver discount, and newly retired.
  • SAFECO may have discounts that include accident prevention training, anti-theft, teen safety rewards, multi-car, anti-lock brakes, and safe driver.
  • Progressive has savings for good student, homeowner, multi-vehicle, online quote discount, and continuous coverage.
  • USAA offers discounts for safe driver, vehicle storage, new vehicle, loyalty savings, defensive driver, and good student.

If you need inexpensive insurance coverage quotes, ask every insurance company which discounts you may be entitled to. Savings might not be offered on policies in your area. To see a list of insurance companies that offer many of these discounts, click here.

It’s not one size fits all

When choosing the right insurance coverage for your personal vehicles, there really is not a perfect coverage plan. Every insured’s situation is different so this has to be addressed. For example, these questions may help highlight whether your personal situation may require specific advice.

  • Are rock chip repairs covered?
  • How many claims can I have before being cancelled?
  • Do I have coverage when pulling a U-Haul trailer?
  • Should I rate my 1992 Acura Legend as pleasure use or commute?
  • Does my insurance cover damage caused when ticketed for reckless driving?
  • How high should my medical payments coverage be?
  • Are my friends covered when driving my 1992 Acura Legend?

If you’re not sure about those questions but a few of them apply, then you may want to think about talking to a licensed agent. If you don’t have a local agent, fill out this quick form or you can also visit this page to select a carrier It’s fast, doesn’t cost anything and can help protect your family.

Information about specific coverages

Knowing the specifics of your auto insurance policy can help you determine which coverages you need and proper limits and deductibles. Policy terminology can be difficult to understand and coverage can change by endorsement. These are the usual coverages available from auto insurance companies.

Coverage for uninsured or underinsured drivers – This coverage protects you and your vehicle’s occupants when other motorists do not carry enough liability coverage. Covered claims include injuries sustained by your vehicle’s occupants and also any damage incurred to your Acura Legend.

Due to the fact that many drivers only carry the minimum required liability limits, it doesn’t take a major accident to exceed their coverage limits. This is the reason having UM/UIM coverage is a good idea. Frequently these coverages do not exceed the liability coverage limits.

Collision coverages – Collision insurance pays for damage to your Legend caused by collision with another vehicle or an object, but not an animal. A deductible applies and then insurance will cover the remainder.

Collision coverage protects against claims like rolling your car, hitting a parking meter, scraping a guard rail, colliding with another moving vehicle and crashing into a building. Paying for collision coverage can be pricey, so consider removing coverage from vehicles that are older. Drivers also have the option to bump up the deductible in order to get cheaper collision rates.

Comprehensive auto insurance – Comprehensive insurance pays to fix your vehicle from damage OTHER than collision with another vehicle or object. You need to pay your deductible first then the remaining damage will be covered by your comprehensive coverage.

Comprehensive insurance covers claims such as vandalism, theft, a broken windshield and hitting a deer. The maximum amount you’ll receive from a claim is the ACV or actual cash value, so if the vehicle is not worth much consider removing comprehensive coverage.

Liability coverage – Liability insurance will cover damage or injury you incur to other’s property or people that is your fault. This insurance protects YOU from legal claims by others. Liability doesn’t cover damage sustained by your vehicle in an accident.

Liability coverage has three limits: per person bodily injury, per accident bodily injury, and a property damage limit. You commonly see values of 25/50/25 that translate to $25,000 bodily injury coverage, a total of $50,000 of bodily injury coverage per accident, and a limit of $25,000 paid for damaged property. Some companies may use a combined limit that pays claims from the same limit and claims can be made without the split limit restrictions.

Liability coverage pays for claims like loss of income, bail bonds, attorney fees, pain and suffering and medical services. How much liability coverage do you need? That is up to you, but it’s cheap coverage so purchase as high a limit as you can afford.

Coverage for medical expenses – Medical payments and Personal Injury Protection insurance reimburse you for expenses like ambulance fees, surgery and funeral costs. They are used in conjunction with a health insurance policy or if you lack health insurance entirely. They cover both the driver and occupants and will also cover being hit by a car walking across the street. Personal Injury Protection is not an option in every state but it provides additional coverages not offered by medical payments coverage

In the end, you save

We just showed you some good ideas how to compare 1992 Acura Legend insurance rates online. The key concept to understand is the more you quote insurance coverage, the higher your chance of finding cheaper insurance coverage. Consumers may even find the biggest savings come from an unexpected company. Some small companies may only write in your state and offer lower car insurance rates than the large multi-state companies such as Allstate, Geico and Progressive.

As you restructure your insurance plan, it’s very important that you do not sacrifice coverage to reduce premiums. There have been many situations where an insured dropped physical damage coverage only to find out that the savings was not a smart move. Your objective should be to find the BEST coverage for the lowest price while not skimping on critical coverages.

To read more, feel free to browse the following helpful articles:

Comments About 1992 Acura Legend Insurance

  1. Shery Sexton

    In Reno, Nevada try Allstate or Progressive. Both had decent prices.

  2. Theola Forbes

    From Bangor, ME. Received quotes with Hanover, Amica, MetLife, and a couple others for my Legend and saved around $60 a year. Insured with Auto-Owners before. I have a couple other vehicles on the policy. Online quotes are the way to go.

  3. Ursula Allen

    If you have a clean record and are close to Missoula, MT, check out 21st Century. You might save some money. I’m thinking about dropping full coverage though.

  4. Kris Berger

    I’m looking for cheaper coverage. Proud to be from Hilo, Hawaii. Compared quite a few companies. Saved roughly $20 a month. GEICO was the most affordable for me. It was easy to get rates.

  5. Bernice Gould

    Just my two cents. Located in Rutland, VT. Got prices from State Farm, Auto-Owners, and some I forget for my 1992 Acura Legend and I’m now saving $17 a month. Not sure if rates are cheaper online or through an agent. Not worth enough to pay for comprehensive and collision.

  6. Carley Coleman

    I’m in the suburbs of Denver, CO. I quoted with American Family, Nationwide, and Travelers for my Acura and saved just over $90 a year. I just carry liability insurance.