Having to pay for high-priced insurance can deplete your bank account and possibly require you to analyze your spending habits. Performing a price comparison can save money and help to lower your bills every month.
Companies like Allstate, Progressive and Geico constantly bombard you with advertising and consumers find it hard to ignore the promise of big savings and effectively compare rates to find the best deal.
If you have car insurance now, you will be able to lower your premiums substantially using this information. Finding the best rates is easy if you know what you’re doing. Although vehicle owners must understand how big insurance companies price insurance differently.
Most companies such as Progressive, Allstate and Geico allow you to get coverage price quotes direct online. Comparing rates online is very simple as you simply enter the coverage amounts you desire into the quote form. After you submit the form their rating system requests information on your driving record and credit history and quotes a price based on the information you submitted. Being able to quote online makes it simple to compare prices but having to visit several different sites and type in the same information can be a bit repetitive. But it is imperative to perform this step in order to get the best price possible.
A less time-consuming method to find lower prices makes use of a single form that obtains quotes from a lot of companies. It’s a real time-saver, eliminates repetitive work, and makes rate comparisons much more efficient. After your information is entered, it is quoted and you are able to buy any of the pricing results.
If the quotes result in lower rates, you can click and sign and purchase the new policy. This process takes 15 minutes at the most and may result in a nice savings.
In order to find out how much you’re overpaying now, click here and enter your vehicle and coverage information. If you have coverage now, it’s recommended you replicate the coverage information as shown on your current policy. This makes sure you will have a price comparison for similar insurance coverage.
Insurance is not an enjoyable expense, but you might find some hidden discounts that could help you make your next renewal payment. Larger premium reductions will be automatically applied at the time of purchase, but occassionally some discounts must be asked about prior to receiving the credit.
Policy discounts save money, but most discount credits are not given to all coverage premiums. The majority will only reduce individual premiums such as comprehensive or collision. So when the math indicates you could get a free insurance policy, it’s just not the way it works.
Insurance companies that may have these benefits include:
If you need cheaper insurance quotes, ask all companies you are considering which discounts you may be entitled to. Savings might not be offered in your area. For a list of insurers that offer the discounts shown above, click this link.
The best way to find cheaper auto insurance is to take a look at the factors that help determine the rates you pay for auto insurance. If you have a feel for what determines base rates, this helps enable you to make changes that may reward you with lower premium levels. Many things are used when premium rates are determined. Most are fairly basic like a motor vehicle report, although others are more transparent like your vehicle usage or how safe your car is.
The itemized list below are just a few of the factors utilized by car insurance companies to help set rates.
When choosing the right insurance coverage for your vehicles, there is no best way to insure your cars. Each situation is unique and your policy should reflect that. These are some specific questions may help highlight whether you would benefit from an agent’s advice.
If you can’t answer these questions but one or more may apply to you then you might want to talk to a licensed insurance agent. If you want to speak to an agent in your area, complete this form or you can go here for a list of companies in your area.
Big name companies like Progressive, Allstate and Geico continually stream ads on television and other media. All the companies advertise claims that you’ll save big if you just switch to them. How do they all give you a lower rate?
Companies are able to cherry pick for the type of customer that earns them a profit. For instance, a desirable insured might have to be a married female, has other policies, and has great credit. Anyone who matches those parameters is entitled to the best price and therefore will cut their rates if they switch.
Consumers who fall short of the requirements will get higher premium rates which leads to the prospect going elsewhere. If you listen to the ad wording, they say “people who switch” not “everybody who quotes” save that much. That is how companies can truthfully make claims like that.
This really illustrates why you absolutely need to do a rate comparison at every renewal. It’s not possible to predict which insurance company will have the best premium rates at this point in time.
Knowing the specifics of car insurance aids in choosing which coverages you need and the correct deductibles and limits. The coverage terms in a policy can be difficult to understand and nobody wants to actually read their policy. Listed below are the usual coverages found on most car insurance policies.
This coverage covers damage from a wide range of events other than collision. You need to pay your deductible first and the remainder of the damage will be paid by comprehensive coverage.
Comprehensive coverage pays for things like a tree branch falling on your vehicle, damage from a tornado or hurricane, hitting a deer, theft and fire damage. The maximum payout you’ll receive from a claim is the ACV or actual cash value, so if the vehicle is not worth much consider removing comprehensive coverage.
Uninsured or Underinsured Motorist coverage protects you and your vehicle’s occupants from other motorists when they either have no liability insurance or not enough. Covered losses include medical payments for you and your occupants and also any damage incurred to your Dodge Caravan.
Because many people only carry the minimum required liability limits, it only takes a small accident to exceed their coverage. That’s why carrying high Uninsured/Underinsured Motorist coverage is very important. Usually the UM/UIM limits do not exceed the liability coverage limits.
Personal Injury Protection (PIP) and medical payments coverage provide coverage for immediate expenses for surgery, doctor visits, X-ray expenses, nursing services and rehabilitation expenses. The coverages can be used to cover expenses not covered by your health insurance policy or if there is no health insurance coverage. They cover all vehicle occupants as well as if you are hit as a while walking down the street. Personal Injury Protection is not an option in every state but can be used in place of medical payments coverage
Collision insurance will pay to fix damage to your Caravan caused by collision with another car or object. You first must pay a deductible then your collision coverage will kick in.
Collision can pay for things such as crashing into a ditch, crashing into a building, colliding with a tree and colliding with another moving vehicle. This coverage can be expensive, so analyze the benefit of dropping coverage from vehicles that are 8 years or older. Another option is to increase the deductible to save money on collision insurance.
This protects you from injuries or damage you cause to a person or their property in an accident. This insurance protects YOU from claims by other people, and doesn’t cover damage to your own property or vehicle.
It consists of three limits, bodily injury for each person injured, bodily injury for the entire accident and a property damage limit. You commonly see values of 50/100/50 which means $50,000 in coverage for each person’s injuries, a limit of $100,000 in injury protection per accident, and $50,000 of coverage for damaged propery. Alternatively, you may have a combined limit which combines the three limits into one amount with no separate limits for injury or property damage.
Liability insurance covers claims like attorney fees, loss of income, medical services, legal defense fees and structural damage. How much liability coverage do you need? That is up to you, but you should buy as much as you can afford.
When you buy insurance online, never sacrifice coverage to reduce premiums. Too many times, consumers will sacrifice liability limits or collision coverage only to find out that it was a big mistake. The proper strategy is to buy a smart amount of coverage at the lowest possible cost and still be able to protect your assets.
You just read some good ideas how to get a better price on 1996 Dodge Caravan insurance. The most important thing to understand is the more price quotes you have, the more likely it is that you will get a better rate. Drivers may discover the biggest savings come from the smaller companies. They often have lower prices on specific markets as compared to the big name companies such as Geico and State Farm.
Some companies don’t offer the ability to get a quote online and these small, regional companies provide coverage only through local independent agencies. Budget-friendly auto insurance can be purchased online and from local agencies, and you should be comparing both to have the best rate selection.
Additional auto insurance information can be found at the links below
Margene Joseph
Are custom wheels covered by insurance?
Daina Silva
If you have a good history and live around Baton Rouge, LA, check out GEICO. They seem to be cheaper. They have free quotes online. I dropped full coverage awhile back.
Keitha Klein
I live on the south side of Juneau, AK. Got car insurance quotes with Amica, Mercury, and some smaller one I can’t remember the name of for my 1996 Dodge Caravan and saved just over $110 a year. I have a teen driver too. Might find lower rates online. I dropped full coverage awhile back.
Essie Cross
Cheapest quote for my 1996 Dodge Caravan was with Farmers. A clean driving record helps.
Sachiko Callahan
If you have a good history and live around Portland, Maine, check out Allstate. I saved quite a bit. Wish I didn’t have to insure at all.
Jan Ortiz
I compared a lot of rate quotes for a 1996 Dodge Caravan in Lewiston, Maine. Ended up at about $120 every six months with Amica. I think they have home insurance too.
Thora Fisher
Thanks for putting this site together. I live on the north side of Portland, OR. Quoted with Mercury, Farmers, 21st Century, and American Family for my 1996 Dodge Caravan and I think I saved around $20 each month. I just quoted rates online. When should I drop full coverage?
Eliseo Good
From northwest of Providence, RI. I got free quotes from Western Auto Insurance, American Family, The General, and Mercury for my Dodge and I think I saved about $30 each month. Left Farmers to switch. When should I drop full coverage?
Dorian Wynn
Great site. I live in a small town just outside of Eugene, Oregon. Got quotes from Progressive, Auto-Owners, and Esurance for my 1996 Dodge Caravan and saved just over $110 a year. I get multi-vehicle and multi-policy discounts. I recommend comparing lots of rates.
Jospeh Mcfarland
I live in Owensboro, Kentucky. Checked online prices for a 1996 Dodge Caravan. Ended up at about $120 savings annually. Went with GEICO. Insured with The General before. I have several vehicles insured with them.
Germaine Watson
Live in Jackson, MS. Quoted with Mercury, Farmers, Allstate, and AAA for my Caravan and I think I saved about $20 each month.
Romona Brown
I live east of Mesa, AZ. Got rates from Progressive, American Family, Encompass, and GMAC for my Dodge and I think I saved about $30 each month. Insured with AAA before. Book value doesn’t justify full coverage anymore.
Elnora Neal
Cheap is relative. From northwest of South Burlington, VT. Quoted with Sentry, Farmers, Progressive, and Auto-Owners for my Caravan and cut my rates about $110 a year. Moved home policy as well. It never hurts to quote around. My Caravan doesn’t have full coverage.