2014 Bentley Mulsanne Insurance Cost

Trying to find cheaper auto insurance rates for your Bentley Mulsanne? Searching for cheaper insurance for your Bentley Mulsanne can be a painful process, but you can follow a few tricks to save time.

There is a right way and a wrong way to find auto insurance online so we’re going to tell you the proper way to quote coverages for a new or used Bentley and find the lowest price.

Consumers should take time to compare prices yearly since insurance prices trend upward over time. Just because you found the lowest rates for Mulsanne insurance two years ago there may be better deals available now. There is lot of inaccurate information about auto insurance online but in a few minutes you can learn a bunch of ideas how to lower your auto insurance premiums.

If you have insurance now or are shopping for new coverage, you will benefit by learning to cut your premiums and possibly find even better coverage. Buying the best protection is not that difficult. Vehicle owners only need an understanding of the most efficient way to compare company rates online.

Discounts can really help save money

Companies offering auto insurance don’t always list the entire discount list in a way that’s easy to find, so the below list has both well-publicized and also the more inconspicuous ways to save on insurance coverage.

  • Student in College – Older children who attend college more than 100 miles from home and do not take a car to college can receive lower rates.
  • Student Discount for Driver Training – Require your teen driver to enroll in driver’s education as it will make them better drivers and lower rates.
  • Early Switch Discount – Some insurance coverage companies provide a discount for buying a policy before your current policy expires. You can save around 10% with this discount.
  • Theft Prevention System – Cars and trucks that have factory anti-theft systems can help prevent theft and that can save you a little bit as well.
  • Senior Citizen Discount – If you qualify as a senior citizen, you are able to get reduced rates for Mulsanne insurance.
  • No Claims – Drivers who don’t have accidents get the best insurance coverage rates when compared to frequent claim filers.
  • Active Service Discounts – Being on active duty in the military could trigger a small discount.
  • Policy Bundle Discount – If you can bundle your auto and home insurance and place coverage with the same company you may save nearly 15% which can help you find affordable auto insurance.

One last thing about discounts, most discount credits are not given the the whole policy. Most only apply to specific coverage prices like collision or personal injury protection. So even though it sounds like having all the discounts means you get insurance for free, it just doesn’t work that way.

To find insurance companies that offer many of these discounts, click here to view.

Finding car insurance

Comparing car insurance rates can take hours if you don’t understand the best way to get rate quotes. You can waste a lot of time talking to local insurance agents in your area, or you can stay home and use online quoting to maximize your effort.

Many popular insurance companies participate in a marketplace that enables customers to submit their information once, and each company provides a quote for coverage. This saves time by eliminating form submissions for each company you want a rate for.

To compare pricing click here to open in new window.

The only downside to comparing rates this way is you cannot specify which insurance companies you want to price. So if you want to choose specific insurance companies to compare rates, we have assembled a list of the cheapest car insurance companies in your area. View list of insurance companies.

Compare rates however you want, just be certain you are entering the exact same coverage limits and deductibles with every price quote. If you have different liability limits it will be next to impossible to determine which company has the best rates.

Will just any policy work for me?

When choosing proper insurance coverage for your personal vehicles, there isn’t really a cookie cutter policy. Each situation is unique.

For example, these questions might help in determining if your situation could use an agent’s help.

  • Is a blown tire covered by insurance?
  • Is my Bentley Mulsanne covered if I use it for business?
  • I have good health insurance, so how much medical payments coverage do I need?
  • Does my car insurance cover rental cars?
  • When can my company non-renew my policy?
  • Should I bundle my homeowners policy with my auto?
  • Am I covered if I break a side mirror?
  • Exactly who is provided coverage by my policy?
  • Do I need an umbrella policy?
  • Do I have coverage when pulling a U-Haul trailer?

If you can’t answer these questions but a few of them apply, then you may want to think about talking to an agent. If you don’t have a local agent, fill out this quick form. It only takes a few minutes and may give you better protection.

Car insurance coverage basics

Knowing the specifics of your car insurance policy aids in choosing the best coverages at the best deductibles and correct limits. Policy terminology can be ambiguous and nobody wants to actually read their policy.

Comprehensive insurance – Comprehensive insurance pays for damage caused by mother nature, theft, vandalism and other events. You first have to pay a deductible then the remaining damage will be covered by your comprehensive coverage.

Comprehensive can pay for things like theft, damage from a tornado or hurricane, hitting a deer, hail damage and a broken windshield. The most you’ll receive from a claim is the market value of your vehicle, so if the vehicle is not worth much it’s not worth carrying full coverage.

Collision coverages – Collision coverage covers damage to your Mulsanne from colliding with another car or object. You will need to pay your deductible then the remaining damage will be paid by your insurance company.

Collision coverage protects against things such as scraping a guard rail, crashing into a building, rolling your car, backing into a parked car and driving through your garage door. This coverage can be expensive, so you might think about dropping it from older vehicles. It’s also possible to bump up the deductible to bring the cost down.

Auto liability – Liability insurance can cover damages or injuries you inflict on other people or property. This coverage protects you against claims from other people. It does not cover damage sustained by your vehicle in an accident.

Liability coverage has three limits: bodily injury for each person, bodily injury for the entire accident, and a limit for property damage. You commonly see values of 25/50/25 that translate to a limit of $25,000 per injured person, $50,000 for the entire accident, and a total limit of $25,000 for damage to vehicles and property. Occasionally you may see a combined single limit or CSL that pays claims from the same limit rather than limiting it on a per person basis.

Liability coverage pays for things such as court costs, emergency aid, bail bonds, repair bills for other people’s vehicles and repair costs for stationary objects. How much liability should you purchase? That is up to you, but you should buy as much as you can afford.

Med pay and Personal Injury Protection (PIP) – Coverage for medical payments and/or PIP reimburse you for bills for ambulance fees, chiropractic care and hospital visits. They are often used to cover expenses not covered by your health insurance policy or if there is no health insurance coverage. They cover both the driver and occupants as well as being hit by a car walking across the street. PIP is not universally available but it provides additional coverages not offered by medical payments coverage

Uninsured/Underinsured Motorist (UM/UIM) – Uninsured or Underinsured Motorist coverage gives you protection when the “other guys” either are underinsured or have no liability coverage at all. It can pay for hospital bills for your injuries as well as your vehicle’s damage.

Since a lot of drivers only carry the minimum required liability limits, their liability coverage can quickly be exhausted. This is the reason having UM/UIM coverage is important protection for you and your family. Normally your uninsured/underinsured motorist coverages are identical to your policy’s liability coverage.

In Summary

Drivers switch companies for a number of reasons such as denial of a claim, lack of trust in their agent, policy cancellation or delays in responding to claim requests. Regardless of your reason, choosing a new company is pretty easy and you might even save some money in the process.

In this article, we covered a lot of tips how to save on 2014 Bentley Mulsanne insurance. The most important thing to understand is the more rate comparisons you have, the better your comparison will be. You may even find the best price on car insurance is with a lesser-known regional company.

When you buy auto insurance online, you should never reduce needed coverages to save money. In too many instances, consumers will sacrifice liability limits or collision coverage and learned later that it was a big mistake. The proper strategy is to find the BEST coverage at a price you can afford, but do not sacrifice coverage to save money.

Additional information can be found on the following sites:

Comments About 2014 Bentley Mulsanne Insurance

  1. Sheridan Roach

    From north side of Aberdeen, SD. Compared quite a few companies. Saved darn near $50 a month. State Farm was the best choice for me. I get multi-vehicle and multi-policy discounts. Just waiting to see how claims go.

  2. Alejandra Dotson

    I got quite a few price quotes for a 2014 Bentley Mulsanne in Los Angeles, CA. Ended up at roughly $170 every six months with American Family. I have kids on my policy, too. I got prices on the web.

  3. Cherly Bishop

    I’m in Columbus, GA, and Allstate rates were affordable. Ask about discounts.

  4. Shakira Love

    Good detail in your article. I’m in the suburbs of Birmingham, AL. I quoted with Mercury, Eastwood, Allstate, and AAA for my Mulsanne and I think I saved about $60 each month.

  5. Mickey Wilson

    Liked the article. I live on the west side of Green Bay, WI. Compared quite a few companies. Saved right around $50 a month. 21st Century was the best choice for me. I just quoted rates online.

  6. Lisandra Bowman

    Great info, thanks for posting. Proud to be from Mobile, Alabama. I got free rates from Western Auto Insurance, Amica, The General, and Safeco for my Bentley and saved $485 a year. Insured with AIG Insurance before.

  7. Kaylene Holden

    Not sure if this is cheap. Proud to be from Jackson, Mississippi. I don’t recall every quote but I ended up saving about $20 each month. Online quotes are the way to go.

  8. Gabrielle Mason

    Mine is so expensive. I live north of Miami, FL. I got free prices from Liberty Mutual, AIG Insurance, MetLife, and a couple others for my 2014 Bentley Mulsanne and saved $336 a year. Have a couple speeding tickets too. God forbid I actually have a claim.

  9. Travis Glass

    I live on the south side of Henderson, Nevada and for me 21st Century had the lowest quote. Have a couple speeding tickets too.

  10. Thomas Mathews

    Live in the eastern part of Aurora, Illinois. Quoted a bunch of companies. Saved about $40 a month. Progressive was the most affordable for me. Just go online and compare their rates.

  11. Carlton Snyder

    Will Allstate cancel me if I have an accident?

  12. Eliana Wilkerson

    Quoted with Erie for my Bentley and saved around $350 a year. Left The General to switch. Have an at-fault accident tho.

  13. Shanice Hopper

    Hope my rates come down. I live on the east side of Montgomery, AL. Not sure of all the companies but I ended up saving about $30 each month. Was with Farmers. I think they have home insurance too. It was easy to get rates.