Save on 2016 Buick LaCrosse Insurance Quotes

Do you think you bought an overpriced insurance policy? You’re preaching to the choir because you’re not the only one. Drivers have so many auto insurance companies to buy insurance from, and even though it’s nice to have a choice, more options can take longer to get the best deal.

This information will teach you how to effectively get price quotes. If you are paying for car insurance now, you should be able to lower your premiums substantially using these techniques. Drivers just need to understand the proper methods to shop for insurance online.

How to buy insurance coverage

There are several ways to compare insurance coverage quotes, and some are less labor-intensive and much quicker. You can spend your afternoon talking to insurance companies in your area, or you could save time and use the web to quickly compare rates.

Many companies belong to a marketplace where prospective buyers only type in their quote data once, and at least one company returns a competitive quote for coverage. This saves time by eliminating form submissions for every insurance coverage company. To compare rates now click here (opens in new window).

The only drawback to using this type of form is you are unable to specify which insurance companies to receive prices from. If you prefer to choose individual companies to receive pricing from, we have a page of insurance coverage companies in your area. Click to view list.

You can use whichever method you prefer to find lower rates, just double check that you are using apples-to-apples quote information on every quote you get. If you are comparing differing limits it will be very difficult to decipher which rate is best.

Do auto insurance companies bend the truth?

Drivers can’t get away from all the ads for the lowest price auto insurance by Allstate and Progressive. All the ads have a common claim about savings if you switch your policy.

It sounds good, but how can they all lower your prices?

Insurance companies provide the lowest rates for the driver they prefer to insure. A good example of a profitable risk profile might be over the age of 45, has a clear driving record, and drives newer vehicles. Anyone who matches those parameters will get a cheap rate quote and therefore will save when they switch companies.

Drivers who don’t measure up to the ideal profile will probably be forced to pay a more expensive rate and this results in the customer not purchasing. The wording the ads use say “customers who switch” not “everyone who quotes” save that much when switching. That’s the way companies can truthfully lure you into getting a quote.

This really illustrates why you should compare price quotes frequently. It’s impossible to know which insurance companies will have the lowest rates for your situation.

Why informed drivers pay less for Buick LaCrosse insurance

Multiple criteria are part of the calculation when you get your auto insurance bill. Some factors are common sense such as traffic violations, but others are less obvious like your continuous coverage or how financially stable you are.When buying insurance it’s important to understand some of the elements that help calculate insurance rates. If you have a feel for what positively or negatively impacts your premiums, this allows you to make good choices that could result in big savings.

  • Extra coverages you don’t use – There are quite a few add-on coverages you can purchase on your LaCrosse policy. Insurance for things like replacement cost coverage, better glass coverage, and Farm Bureau memberships are probably not needed. They may seem like a good idea when talking to your agent, but if they’re wasting money get rid of them and save.
  • The more you drive the more you pay – Driving more miles in a year the higher your rate. Almost all companies price each vehicle’s coverage based upon how much you drive. Autos not used for work or commuting receive better premium rates as compared to vehicles used primarily for driving to work. Ask your agent if your insurance policy is rated on the correct usage, because it can save money. Having the wrong rating on your LaCrosse is just wasting money.
  • Increase physical damage deductibles and save – Coverage for physical damage, aka comp and collision, covers your vehicle from damage. Examples of covered claims could be running into the backend of another car, flood damage, and burglary. Your deductibles represent how much money you are required to pay before a claim is paid by your company. The more money you pay before a claim is paid (deductible), the less your company will charge you for insurance for LaCrosse coverage.
  • Does your occupation cost you more? – Careers like real estate brokers, social workers and dentists tend to pay higher rates than the rest of us attributed to intense work situations and long work hours. On the other hand, occupations such as actors, students and performers have the lowest average rates for LaCrosse coverage.
  • An active insurance claims history can cost you more – If you are a frequent claim filer, you shouldn’t be surprised to get increased rates or even have your policy non-renewed. Insurance companies provide better rates to insureds who do not file claims often. Insurance coverage is meant to be used in the event of the large, substantial claims.
  • Qualify for multi-policy discounts – Most major insurance companies allow a discount to insureds who buy several policies from them such as combining an auto and homeowners policy. The discount can be ten or even up to twenty percent in some cases. Even with this discount, drivers will still want to compare other company rates to help guarantee you have the best rates. Consumers may save more without the discount by buying from different companies
  • Your credit history is important – Your credit rating is a large factor in determining premium rates. People that have excellent credit tend to file fewer claims and have better driving records as compared to drivers with poor credit. So if your credit rating is not that good, you could pay less to insure your 2016 Buick LaCrosse if you improve your credit rating.
  • Accidents increase prices – A bad driving record has a lot to do with how much you pay for insurance. Getting just one chargable violation can increase the cost of insurance twenty percent or more. Careful drivers pay lower auto insurance prices compared to bad drivers. Drivers unfortunate enough to have flagrant violations such as DUI, reckless driving or excessive speeding may be required to complete a SR-22 with their state’s licensing department in order to drive a vehicle legally.

Get cheap insurance with discounts

Some insurers do not list every discount very clearly, so we break down a few of the more common as well as some of the hidden discounts that you can inquire about if you buy car insurance online.

  • Sign Early and Save – Some insurance companies provide a discount for buying a new policy before your current expiration date. You may see this discount when you get car insurance quotes online.
  • Accident Forgiveness – This one isn’t a discount, but a few companies such as Geico, State Farm, and Progressive will let one accident slide before hitting you with a surcharge so long as you are claim-free before the accident.
  • Discounts for Government Workers – Active or retired federal employment can earn a discount up to 10% for LaCrosse coverage with select insurance companies.
  • Paperless Signup – Some of the larger companies give back up to $50 just for signing your application online.
  • Driver’s Education for Students – Teen drivers should complete a driver education course in school.
  • Passive Restraint Discount – Vehicles equipped with air bags can receive discounts up to 30%.

We need to note that some credits don’t apply the the whole policy. Most only cut individual premiums such as comp or med pay. Even though it may seem like adding up those discounts means a free policy, it doesn’t quite work that way.

Companies and some of their more popular discounts are detailed below.

  • State Farm offers discounts for good student, Steer Clear safe driver discount, anti-theft, multiple autos, accident-free, and good driver.
  • American Family may include discounts for mySafetyValet, multi-vehicle, good student, TimeAway discount, good driver, and air bags.
  • Geico policyholders can earn discounts including military active duty, federal employee, emergency military deployment, defensive driver, driver training, seat belt use, and multi-policy.
  • 21st Century includes discounts for air bags, teen driver, early bird, theft prevention, homeowners, good student, and 55 and older.
  • Progressive offers premium reductions for online quote discount, multi-vehicle, online signing, multi-policy, good student, homeowner, and continuous coverage.

Before purchasing a policy, check with every prospective company to apply every possible discount. Some discounts listed above may not apply to policies in your state. If you would like to choose from a list of providers who offer free insurance quotes, click here to view.

Tailor your insurance coverage coverage to you

When choosing the right insurance coverage, there really is no cookie cutter policy. Each situation is unique and a cookie cutter policy won’t apply. For instance, these questions could help you determine whether your personal situation might need professional guidance.

  • Can I afford to buy a different vehicle if my 2016 Buick LaCrosse is totaled?
  • Can I drive in Mexico and have coverage?
  • What is roadside assistance coverage?
  • Is borrowed equipment or tools covered if stolen or damaged?
  • Does my personal policy cover me when driving out-of-state?
  • At what point should I drop full coverage?
  • Should I file a claim if it’s only slightly more than my deductible?
  • When should I drop full coverage on my 2016 Buick LaCrosse?
  • Am I covered when driving on a suspended license?

If it’s difficult to answer those questions but you know they apply to you then you might want to talk to a licensed agent. If you want to speak to an agent in your area, take a second and complete this form or you can also visit this page to select a carrier It is quick, free and can help protect your family.

Car insurance 101

Having a good grasp of your insurance policy can help you determine the right coverages and the correct deductibles and limits. Policy terminology can be ambiguous and even agents have difficulty translating policy wording. Shown next are typical coverages available from insurance companies.

Liability car insurance

This coverage can cover injuries or damage you cause to people or other property. This coverage protects you from legal claims by others. Liability doesn’t cover damage sustained by your vehicle in an accident.

It consists of three limits, bodily injury per person, bodily injury per accident and property damage. As an example, you may have liability limits of 100/300/100 which means $100,000 bodily injury coverage, a per accident bodily injury limit of $300,000, and a total limit of $100,000 for damage to vehicles and property. Alternatively, you may have one number which is a combined single limit which combines the three limits into one amount and claims can be made without the split limit restrictions.

Liability insurance covers claims like court costs, pain and suffering and medical services. How much liability coverage do you need? That is your choice, but consider buying as much as you can afford.

Insurance for medical payments

Med pay and PIP coverage provide coverage for bills for rehabilitation expenses, surgery, X-ray expenses and dental work. They are often used to fill the gap from your health insurance policy or if you lack health insurance entirely. Coverage applies to not only the driver but also the vehicle occupants in addition to getting struck while a pedestrian. Personal Injury Protection is only offered in select states but can be used in place of medical payments coverage

Uninsured Motorist or Underinsured Motorist insurance

This gives you protection from other drivers when they are uninsured or don’t have enough coverage. This coverage pays for injuries to you and your family as well as damage to your Buick LaCrosse.

Due to the fact that many drivers carry very low liability coverage limits, it only takes a small accident to exceed their coverage. For this reason, having high UM/UIM coverages is very important. Usually the UM/UIM limits are identical to your policy’s liability coverage.

Comprehensive coverage (or Other than Collision)

Comprehensive insurance coverage pays for damage from a wide range of events other than collision. A deductible will apply and then insurance will cover the rest of the damage.

Comprehensive coverage pays for claims such as damage from flooding, hitting a deer, theft and a tree branch falling on your vehicle. The maximum amount you’ll receive from a claim is the ACV or actual cash value, so if the vehicle’s value is low consider removing comprehensive coverage.

Collision coverage

This coverage pays to fix your vehicle from damage resulting from a collision with another vehicle or an object, but not an animal. A deductible applies then the remaining damage will be paid by your insurance company.

Collision insurance covers claims such as colliding with another moving vehicle, damaging your car on a curb, scraping a guard rail, backing into a parked car and driving through your garage door. Paying for collision coverage can be pricey, so you might think about dropping it from vehicles that are older. It’s also possible to increase the deductible to save money on collision insurance.

Final considerations

As you restructure your insurance plan, never buy lower coverage limits just to save a few bucks. There are a lot of situations where an accident victim reduced collision coverage only to regret at claim time that the savings was not a smart move. Your strategy should be to purchase a proper amount of coverage at the best possible price, but do not skimp to save money.

A few companies may not have internet price quotes and many times these regional carriers sell through independent agents. The cheapest 2016 Buick LaCrosse insurance is available online and from local agencies, and you should compare rates from both to get a complete price analysis.

More information is located at these links:

Comments About 2016 Buick LaCrosse Insurance

  1. Jaqueline Sparks

    Corporate greed I’m telling you. I live in Portland, OR. Don’t remember every company but I ended up saving about $40 each month. Left Sentry to switch. I have kids on my policy, too.

  2. Myrl Bean

    Are Allstate or Allstate rates cheaper in Kansas?

  3. Cordie Blackburn

    I’m in the suburbs of Los Angeles, CA. I don’t recall every quote but I ended up saving about $40 each month. Was with The General. Moved home policy as well.

  4. Floy Lyons

    Thought I’d throw in my experience. From Detroit, MI. Received prices from Travelers, Auto-Owners, Hanover, and Sentry for my 2016 Buick LaCrosse and saved just over $220 a year.

  5. Torrie Baxter

    If you have a good history and live in the vicinity of Omaha, NE, check out GEICO. They seem to be cheaper.

  6. Regena Gardner

    IT’S ALL TOO EXPENSIVE! Proud to be from Jersey City, New Jersey. Compared quite a few companies. Saved roughly $50 a month. State Farm was the cheapest for me. BTW speeding tickets are not good.

  7. Phung West

    I live in Jackson, MS. Quoted with State Farm, Auto-Owners, and Eastwood for my Buick and saved $280 a year. Bought it from an online quote.

  8. Delisa Rowe

    Anyone buy from AIG Insurance? I’m in Lincoln, NE.

  9. Clair Hodge

    Liked the article. Got a quote with American Family for my Buick and am saving around $200 a year. I even had a DUI years ago. Get lots of quotes to find the best rate.

  10. Bessie Parrish

    Good site, thanks. Live in South Burlington, Vermont. Went online for free insurance quotes for a 2016 Buick LaCrosse. Ended up at about $390 savings annually. Went with 21st Century. Left Progressive to switch.

  11. Venita Kent

    Where is cheaper car insurance? I’m from Idaho Falls, Idaho. I got free prices from State Farm, AAA, and some I forget for my Buick and cut my rates about $540 a year. Ask about discounts. They were helpful in switching over.

  12. Dona Strickland

    I live just to the south of Atlanta, GA. Quoted prices from USAA, Auto-Owners, Hanover, and Safeco for my LaCrosse and I think I am saving around $70 each month. A clean driving record helps. Bought it from an online quote.

  13. Coralee Hooper

    All companies are crooks. I live in a small town just outside of Kansas City, Kansas. I quoted with The General, Auto-Owners, Sentry, and a couple others for my Buick and saved $494 a year. Left Esurance to switch.

  14. Bertie Jones

    From a town just southwest of Rapid City, South Dakota. Got car insurance prices from Progressive, The General, and Erie for my Buick and saved around $110 a year. Got better coverage too.